Long-distance Moves Made Simple

  • Storing Older Kids' Stuff To Make Room In The House

    25 July 2019

    As a parent, you've probably come to realize that kids take up a lot of space! How do you manage to find the space for all of the things that kids need and want? Here, you'll find a few tips to help you utilize a storage unit for your kids' overflow of stuff in the home. Toys Toys can take up a majority of space in your home, but when you spend so much money on them, you want the kids to use them as much as possible before passing them on, selling them, or throwing them away.

  • 5 Tips For Packing Up Your Young Child's Room

    11 May 2018

    When your child is really young, packing up their room is a task that largely falls on you as the parent. #1 Pack Your Child's Room Last Young children thrive on consistency and routine, so try to keep your child's room in-tact as long as possible. Your child's room should be one of the last rooms that you pack up in your house so that your child can have the consistency of having their space stay the same as you pack up the rest of your home.

  • Four Things To Do The Night Before Your Move

    24 January 2018

    The night before you move to a new home can be an anxious time. You may still have some last-minute packing to do, and you might feel like you're forgetting something. Here are some last-minute moving tips you can use the night before to help the moving process go a bit more smoothly. Prep Appliances Ideally, you won't need to use your major appliances after dinner the night before your move, so this is your opportunity to prep your appliances for the moving company.

  • Four Things To Do Before Your Big Move

    2 June 2017

    When preparing for a move, staying organized is the key to ensuring that the move goes as smoothly as possible. Make sure to add these items to your moving to-do list: 1. Gather Copies of Important Documents Before moving, take the time to request copies of important documents. Some items that you want to obtain before your movie include school transcripts, medical records, proof of insurance,  and vehicle registration forms.

  • 3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Valuable Things While They Are In Storage

    28 March 2017

    Storage units are a great place to store your things when you don't have the space for everything. For example, many people get a unit not only when they are moving, but also when they are established in a house and they just need to free up some space. If you are storing valuable things in a storage unit, you need to be sure that you are doing everything you can to protect your items and keep them secure.

  • 3 Things You Can Do To Keep Your Items Safe While In Storage

    15 March 2017

    Using a private storage unit is a great way to store your belongings, keep them safe, and free up some room in your house. Storage units are not just for people who are moving locations and need a place to store their belongings; many people choose to keep a storage unit at all times so that they have room in their home. If you choose to use a storage unit, there are some things that you should do to make sure that your items are safe.

  • How To Move A Freshwater Aquarium

    14 February 2017

    Freshwater aquariums are a joy to look at, but they can be a hassle to move. You should be mindful of the fragile nature of the fish, plants, and aquarium. With the right tips, you will be able to move your aquarium and its inhabitants safely. Packing The Tank Packing a big glass box may seem intimidating at first, but it's manageable with the right supplies. Make sure you have these things on hand before you get started:

  • The Best Process For Packing A Bathroom During A Move

    6 February 2017

    When moving to a new home, there are dozens of items from a bathroom that need to be sorted out and packed. This can be a maddening process, but by following these simple steps, you can streamline it for yourself and your moving company. Items That Should Be Packed...And Those Those That Shouldn't There are many items that are worth packing from a bathroom, such as shower curtains, plungers, toilet brushes, various soaps, and bath mats.

  • 3 Storage Tips For Small Businesses

    30 January 2015

    Any small business owner knows that there's a lot of planning and research that goes into the job, regardless of the industry you're in. However, what many small business owners don't consider when they're first launching their companies is just how important organization and storage will be on-the-job. After all, a disorganized business can't operate to its fullest potential. Fortunately, there are a few storage tips for small businesses that can help things go a little more smoothly.